Well here you are, trying to figure out what the hell OJM is all about. You just couldn’t piece it together on your own eh? Well here’s what we’re about:

We’re about fatty, reasonably priced pastrami.

We’re about fashion: waistbands that allow for blood flow, wide velcro shoes, and whitey-tighties with skid marks the color of chopped liver. 

We’re about hard hitting news that matters: Global Warming is threatening the existence of whole fat cottage cheese!

We’re about Gary Berkowitz’s Nephew, the one who lives in a bunker below the F line. He’s a good kid.

We’re about enjoying our twilight years, but we’re also about acknowledging the inevitable.

We’re about giving you most content for free because nobody knows better than us that the economy’s in the toilet. 

We’re Old Jewish Men, and we’re about to blow a fuse if that waiter doesn’t give us some service over here!


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non essential news for unessential people
Novelist, contributor to Dystopic Living. Coming up: Sauna Dreams (short film)
Podcaster, Nation's only source of truth